Well the day has finally arrived! I am so elated I don't even know how to properly express it. I arrived at my loctician's place at 8:25, my appointment was at 8:30. We got started right away. First let me say a big yippie to Jeannine, my loctician, I immediately fell in love with her. She is so down to earth and so easy to talk to. We talked as if we had known each other for ages. She started on my hair I would say around 8:45 and she was done by 1 p.m. I was amazed. She was really fast. She also contributed it to having short hair (I thought my 3" hair was long compared to what I'm used to sporting - LOL). Anyway, she did take time to rod my itty bitty SisterLocks and sit me under the dryer and after all my questions and looking in the mirror, I walked out of her shop happy as a lil lamb around 2 p.m. Not bad for a day's work, huh. I have to tell you that I love my SisterLocks. I do have one complaint, I'm not crazy about the dry cray hair on the ends, but I know that in time I'll get used to that as well and that it will go away. I have to admit that I am a lil nervous of what my family and friends will say, but I know in the end they will be wondering how to get their hair like mine! So far my mother liked them, my 16-year old son said they were "okay" and my dad said that I should wear my hair curled more often (shakin my head). My real critic is my lil sister and of course my man. They haven't seen them yet. So their vote is still out. So, let me know what you think. I will have more pictures uploaded at http://public.fotki.com/NappyOleMe/
Welcome to the SL fam. Your hair looks great. I'm sure your family will like hair. Congratulations and again welcome. Looking forward to your SL journey.
Naturalist1, at 6:29 AM
Congratulations! I love your hair color. I know how you feel, they take some getting used to at first, but as they grow, and as you grow, it begins to feel very natural - they're part of who you are. Besides you now have a whole bunch of sisters who are here to support you. Welcome home!
Chocolata, at 10:51 AM
I was SLd 10.09.06.
Our loc-aversary will be quite close. Our journey starts so differently, but yet so alike.
Can't wait to see how our locks mature.
Anonymous, at 1:14 PM
Your hair looks great already. :)
brunsli, at 2:35 AM
PS - Is that a huge smile in the last photo??
brunsli, at 2:36 AM
Woohoo!!! They look great. Go..!! I'm really liking the hair color.
Swyfty, at 11:41 AM
Hey Lady,
Congratulations on your locking decision and joining the SL fam.
Your baby locks look great.
Goodnapps, at 11:48 AM
Naturalist1, thank you so much. I have checked out your blog on several occassions and I love your SL!
Chocolata, It's day 3 and I am already getting used to them. I had a formal banquet to attend last night and I was worried about what people would say. I only got one negative comment from a woman who is like a mother to me, but I didn't take her seriously since she is older and from a different generation. I noticed the kids my son's age (12 - 16) really embraced them and wanted to know how they could get their hair loc'd! So now I' considered "cool"
Nappytexangirl, I am glad I have somoene to walk with on this journey, I can't wait to see how your locs are growing right along with mine.
Brunsli, I have to confess that you are like the ultimate SisterLock Queen. I have been watching your blogs and your website for a while, I am honored that you stopped by. And yes, that is a great big smile on my face :). I do love my SisterLocks. By the way, I can't wait to get one of your hair ties.
Toni! Thanks, I debated about the color. I will admit that at one point on Thursday I had wished I would have colored my hair a dark color or all one color. My ends have been blonde for so long I just couln't part with them. I also thought if I had black hair it wouldn't be so "noticable". But now I love the attention, people either stare or compliment them. I am starting to come into being "me". The wonderful individual that God created. I am loving it so far.
Thanks for your encouragement, I love your hair as well!
Nappy Ole Me, at 12:08 PM
You go girl!!!! Congrats!!
Maryee, at 5:07 PM
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