My Week of Firsts
Well I just had to write to let you all know how my very first week of being SisterLoc'd went. I have to admit it was a lil scary. It's hard waking up every morning not sure what your hair is going to look like underneath that silk bonnet. But each day I awoke to something wonderful and beautiful. I told you in my previous post that last Friday was my first official outing with SisterLocks and that went just fine, then I had my first day on a new job Monday the 16th and I was nervous about how my new employer would react. I was nervous because I am the only African American in the office. So I wasn't sure how they would look at my new look since I didn't have it when I interviewed. My supervisor is super cool and she told me that she loved my hair and that it was very "trendy". So that made my day. I still get some that just talk to my hair, but they will get over it. It rained on Tuesday, so again I was nervous and then I realized that I didn't have to worry about my hair (yippie). First time ever! Then when I was at Soulard Market I had my first public compliment. I was just walking and comparing prices of fruit until my man told me that the woman was speaking to me. I said "oh I'm sorry?" She repeated "your hair is beautiful!" Of course I was cheesing all over the place. You know that Sistas don't always compliment each other, so I took that to heart. It made me stand a lil bit taller (I’m already short enough)
I have decided to wait until this weekend to wash my hair, so that will be another first. I'll keep you posted...
Lovin' my SisterLocks
Your locks are so cute and the color is FIERCE!*. I am trying to keep up with documenting my SL journey too, but with school and work, you know how it is.....
Anonymous, at 7:41 PM
You are well on your way, hang in there. Beautiful locks and beautiful color girlfriend!
Creyole, at 7:48 PM
Congratulations -- what a way to start!
Your locks are so pretty and the blonde tips are spunky!
brunsli, at 11:38 PM
Your locks look wonderful and I really love that color!
V @ Locks-N-Motion, at 10:57 AM
Just marvelous! I can tell you are adjusting to your SL's quite well.
Keep it up.
Goodnapps, at 5:20 PM
Hey Nappy Texan girl, Thanks for the compliments.. some days I hate the color other days I love it. I am loving it more and more everyday. It's an adjustment! Also, I am going to be checking back with you to see how you are coming along, I know how hard it is to have time for yourself, so just whenever you get a minute, sneak online! :)
Lachanda, Brunsli, Tanya, and Sistalocd, thanks a bunch. I have visited all of you wonderful ladies pages for inspiration several times and it has worked! THANK YOU!
Nappy Ole Me, at 5:36 PM
Your color looks good! I wish I had the courage to color my locks.
Anonymous, at 10:10 PM
Congrats and welcome home to the wonderful world of Sisterlocks. Your locks are just adorable - length, color and style. Go ahead and sport 'em gurl!
BlaqKofi, at 6:21 PM
FYI - Just wanted to make you aware of my recent blog change.
Name "Creyole" instead of LaChanda and
New blog site is http://creyole.blogspot.com
New Email Address: creyole@gmail.com
I know it's asking a bit much but please understand it was a must!
Creyole, at 10:40 AM
i'm so diggin those funky blond tips. it sets your locs off just right!
C & C, at 5:52 PM
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